Saturday 15 November 2014

Wellington Trip

We had a very successful day in Wellington. The Suzanne Arbert Compassion Shelter were very pleased to see us with our baking. They answered our many questions and explained their work in the city.The day had began with rain and wind so we started the wet day programme with a trip to the airport,where the children saw planes, shops, pilots and air hostesses. The weather then cleared so we rearranged the cable car time and moved to the city. Up and down the cable car, then the traffic and footfall surveys which where a little rushed but completed. Most groups managed to go into Kirks to see the Christmas shop before walking to Scared heart School.
A BIG BIG thank you to the parents who gave up there time and made this trip possible.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Room 8 for giving me the opportunity to join you on this trip. I learnt a lot about the shelter. Thank you to the children who wrote me ‘thank you’ letters, it was my pleasure. I was very impressed with your handwriting skills and sentence structure.
