Saturday 24 May 2014

Room 8's awesome video!

Rhett's Dad has helped us to make a really cool video showing you around our fantastic school. We hope you enjoy watching it.

Click on the link below to watch our video:

Room 8's awesome video!


  1. A fantastic effort Room 8. You must have had lots of fun making this. Well done.

  2. Well done. Great video. Jayden loved his special part

  3. Great movie. Jayden loved his special part

  4. Hi Team!
    I've just watched your most stunning class video! This is one very professional piece of work, so 'Top Job' to every single one of you - including Rhett's Dad!

    The variety of things you presented was brilliant and the way you all spoke so clearly was simply excellent. I loved the way you mixed school life with snippets of life around Masterton, including showing what's unique about where we all live. I sure hope kids from other parts of NZ and other countries get to see this! What a great way to learn about your school and what's around you.

    When's the next one coming? I hope you'll do more!
    God Bless
    Jo (Jakob's Mum).

  5. Hi Room 8

    Your video is wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing!

    The Devane's
